High school graduation rates at historic high, By Lyndsey Layton, April 28, 2014, Washington Post: “Calling it ‘a profound milestone,’ Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Monday that the country has reached its highest graduation rate in history, with 80 percent of students receiving a diploma in 2012, the most recent year for which statistics are available…”
80 percent of high school students now graduate, By Kimberly Hefling (AP), April 28, 2014, Chicago Sun-Times: “U.S. public high schools have reached a milestone, an 80 percent graduation rate. Yet that still means 1 of every 5 students walks away without a diploma. Citing the progress, researchers are projecting a 90 percent national graduation rate by 2020. Their report, based on Education Department statistics from 2012, was presented Monday at the Building a GradNation Summit…”