Aging population poses problems for Nebraska children, By Erin Andersen, January 14, 2014, Columbus Telegram: “By the year 2050, nearly one quarter of the state’s population will be 65 or older, and 38 percent of its citizens will be members of a minority. That’s the prediction of the 21st annual Kids Count report released Tuesday by Voices for Children of Nebraska. In a twist from years past, the 2013 report analyzes years of demographics and statistical history to highlight children’s well-being today, as well as forecast 37 years down the road…”
Tag: Nebraska
Native American Children in Foster Care – Nebraska
Rising disparity seen in rate of Native American kids in foster care, By Martha Stoddard, November 15, 2013, Omaha World-Herald: “Native American children now account for nearly 1 of every 10 foster children in Nebraska, according to figures released Thursday by the Foster Care Review Office. That’s up from a year ago, when about 1 in 14 children in out-of-home care were identified that way. And it’s several times greater than the roughly 1.5 percent of Nebraska children who are Native American…”
Foster Care System – Nebraska
Plan for new foster care approach in Nebraska gets boost from federal government, By Martha Stoddard, October 18, 2013, Omaha World-Herald: “Efforts to keep Nebraska children safe without taking them from their families have gotten a big boost from the federal government. Federal officials have granted the state flexibility in using up to $153 million of federal foster care funds over the next five years. Nebraska is one of only eight states given such approval this year. Thomas Pristow, director of children and family services within the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, said Thursday that the money is to be used to try out a new approach to dealing with child abuse and neglect…”