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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

States and Medicaid Expansion

  • Pennsylvania’s expansion of Medicaid to require 723 new workers, By Don Sapatkin, May 12, 2014, Philadelphia Inquirer: “Pennsylvania’s ambitious alternative to expanding Medicaid – a private-market initiative that Gov. Corbett says is designed to save money – would require 723 new state workers, about one percent of the current workforce. The projected number of hires, detailed by state officials, is far higher than most states have needed and surprised some public-policy experts. Many states are adding employees to review applications and confirm eligibility, and to implement all the changes required by federal law. Those new hires typically are in the dozens. New Jersey, for example, said the contractor that coordinates its health benefits hired 38 permanent employees and 62 temps…”
  • Surge of newly eligible Medicaid signups has boosted Ohio’s total by nearly 185,000 people, By Robert Higgs, May 12, 2014, Cleveland Plain Dealer: “Through the first four months of 2014 Ohio already has enrolled more than half the number of people in the state’s expanded Medicaid program that it expected would sign up by June 2015. The state’s actuaries have estimated that about 366,000 people who are newly eligible will actually sign up for the health care coverage by the end of June 2015 and the state’s current budget cycle…”