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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

Social Services Reorganization – Kansas

Kansas shakes up its social services system, By Matt Campbell, June 30, 2012, Kansas City Star: “The alphabet soup of agencies that provide social services to Kansans – SRS, KDOA, KDHE – is being scrambled in what officials are claiming is the biggest reorganization in the history of Kansas state government. Effective today, several programs will move from one agency to another and agency shorthand titles will change. The result, officials say, will be a more streamlined and efficient way of delivering services to children, the disabled, the poor and the elderly. The reorganization also is seen as necessary for KanCare, Gov. Sam Brownback’s initiative to overhaul the way Medicaid works in Kansas. Brownback called it ‘a crucial component of KanCare’ in announcing his executive order for the shakeup…”