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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

Food Stamp Program Delivery – Texas

Food stamps agency requests staffing boost, By Robert T. Garrett, August 17, 2010, Dallas Morning News: “Texas’ system for handling requests for food stamps and other aid will require more than 1,900 additional state workers over the next few years to keep up with heavy demand, a top official has told state leaders. However, Health and Human Services Commissioner Tom Suehs asked for slightly more than 1,500 new eligibility workers in a recent preview of how much money his agency will request in the next two-year budget cycle. Commission spokeswoman Stephanie Goodman denied Monday that Suehs pared his budget request to help state GOP leaders cope with a massive budget shortfall. ‘We’ll request all the staff we believe we need,’ she said…”