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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

ACA and Medicaid

Law’s expanded Medicaid coverage brings a surge in sign-ups, By Sabrina Tavernise, January 20, 2014, New York Times: “Sharon Mills, a disabled nurse, long depended on other people’s kindness to manage her diabetes. She scrounged free samples from doctors’ offices, signed up for drug company discounts and asked for money from her parents and friends. Her church often helped, but last month used its charitable funds to help repair other members’ furnaces. Ms. Mills, 54, who suffered renal failure last year after having irregular access to medication, said her dependence on others left her feeling helpless and depressed. ‘I got to the point when I decided I just didn’t want to be here anymore,’ she said. So when a blue slip of paper arrived in the mail this month with a new Medicaid number on it — part of the expanded coverage offered under the Affordable Care Act — Ms. Mills said she felt as if she could breathe again for the first time in years…”