Teen birth rate in the U.S. hits record low for 7th consecutive year, By Karen Kaplan, September 28, 2016, Los Angeles Times: “The birth rate for U.S. teenagers hit an all-time low in 2015, the seventh straight year a new record has been set. Overall, there were 22.3 births for every 1,000 young women between 15 and 19, according to a report released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That represents an 8% drop in just one year…”
Tag: Teen pregnancy
Teenage Pregnancy in the UK
How the UK halved its teenage pregnancy rate, By Amelia Hill, July 18, 2016, The Guardian: “Rates of teenage pregnancy in the UK have halved in the past two decades and are now at their lowest levels since record-keeping began in the late 1960s. It is a dramatic turnaround: in 1998, England had one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in western Europe. Last week, the Office for National Statistics released data revealing the fall in the conception rate among females aged 15 to 19 as the standout success story in the public health field: just 14.5 per 1,000 births were to women in their teens, with drops in all age groups under 25…”
Teenage Pregnancy – England
England’s teenage pregnancy strategy to become global blueprint, By Sally Weale, May 23, 2016, The Guardian: “A teenage pregnancy prevention strategy that is credited for halving the rate of conceptions among teenagers in England is to be used as a blueprint in countries that want to emulate its success. Alison Hadley, who led the 10-year programme resulting in record lows in teenage pregnancies, has been asked by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to share the lessons of the project so they can be applied globally…”