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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

Tag: Single parents

Child Support Payments

Billions of dollars in child support go unpaid yearly, By Emily Alpert Reyes, November 20, 2013, Los Angeles Times: “More than $14 billion in child support was left unpaid to American parents in a single year — more than 1 out of every 3 dollars that were due, the U.S. Census Bureau announced Wednesday. Millions of parents are awarded child support every year, but getting it is another story. Fewer than half of eligible parents received all of the child support they were due in 2011, according to a newly released report based on the Current Population Survey. About a quarter got none. Most parents were granted support through formal legal agreements established by the courts or other government entities. Yet a shrinking share of parents said they asked the government for help collecting child support.”

Complex Families

As families become more complicated, more grandparents care for kids, study says, By Tara Bahrampour, November 5, 2013, Washington Post: “As the number of children living with grandparents has risen in recent decades, the profile of caregiver grandparents has also evolved into a more diverse tapestry, with grandparents filling in the gaps in increasingly nontraditional family structures, according to a report released Tuesday. In particular, as rates rise for divorce and remarriage, single parenting, and other nontraditional family structures, older Americans have been stepping in to help their offspring with childcare, said the study, which was conducted by US 2010, a research project on changes in American society funded by Brown University and the Russell Sage Foundation, a New York-based social science research center…”

Child Support Services – Kansas, Ohio

  • Administration defends child support privatization, By Andy Marso, August 20, 2013, Topeka Capital-Journal: “A spokeswoman for the Kansas Department for Children and Families struck back at critics of the agency’s drive to privatize child support services Tuesday, saying the bidding process was completely on the up-and-up and state workers weren’t ‘set up to fail’ to pave the way for privatization…”
  • Counties’ efforts to collect child support find mixed results, By Laura Arenschield, August 18, 2013, Columbus Dispatch: “Almost a year into a statewide push to collect more child support from parents who owe it, Delaware County is leading central Ohio, recouping about 15 percent more than the state average. Other central Ohio counties, including Franklin, have not been as successful…”