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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

Tag: Mobility

Baltimore Beginning School Study

What your 1st-grade life says about the rest of it, By Emily Badger, August 29, 2014, Washington Post: “In the beginning, when they knew just where to find everyone, they pulled the children out of their classrooms. They sat in any quiet corner of the schools they could claim: the sociologists from Johns Hopkins and, one at a time, the excitable first-graders. Monica Jaundoo, whose parents never made it past the eighth grade. Danté Washington, a boy with a temper and a dad who drank too much. Ed Klein, who came from a poor white part of town where his mother sold cocaine…”

Poverty Areas and Mobility

Do poor neighborhoods get worse before they get better? After looking at the data, we sure hope so. By Lane Anderson, July 9, 2014, Deseret News: “The recession hasn’t hit everywhere equally. Poor neighborhoods have gotten poorer in taking the brunt of the downfall, according to a Census Bureau report released Monday. In the last 14 years, more people have moved into low-income neighborhoods, or what the study calls “poverty areas.” These areas are defined as a census tract with a rate of 20 percent poverty or higher, and the number of people living in these places has gone up from 49.5 million in 2000 to 77.4 million in 2008-2012. Now 1 in 4 Americans live in ‘poverty areas.’ The reasons why have to do with cost-of-living and lack of jobs. . .”