For younger adults, unemployment may triple the risk of depression, By Karen Kaplan, March 19, 2015, Los Angeles Times: “Unemployment isn’t just bad for your bank account. It can also do serious damage to mental health – especially for younger adults who are just starting out in life, new research shows. Nearly 12% of Americans between ages 18 and 25 were deemed to be depressed based on their answers to eight questions that were part of a survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health departments. But within this age group, those who were unemployed were 3.17 times more likely to be depressed than their counterparts with jobs…”
Tag: Mental illness
Chronic Homelessness
This group thinks it’s found a way to end chronic homelessness. It’s working. By Robert Samuels, June 11, 2014, Washington Post: “Four years ago, a nonprofit organization named Community Solutions, declared they could reduce homelessness in the country by 100,000 people. On Wednesday, at a reception for about 100 people, campaign director Becky Kanis made the announcement: The plan worked, even better than they thought. “101,628″ read the placard displaying the number of people housed since the campaign began. In the Washington region, Montgomery County housed 96 homeless people during the campaign; Fairfax, 222; and Arlington, 90. The District, which this year saw a 13.5 increase in homelessness, housed 2,422. The announcement of the program’s success was notable. . .”