- Why black babies die at twice the rate of whites in Butler County, By Wayne Baker, January 22, 2016, Hamilton Journal-News: “Black babies in Butler County are dying before the age of 1 at twice the rate of white babies. It’s a troubling and puzzling statistic that local and state health experts say contributes to Ohio’s high infant mortality rate, which is among the worst 10 percent in the nation. This medical and social issue is being addressed by several health agencies in the area and nationwide, but most of the data compiled so far has left the experts puzzled as to why this is happening…”
- Ohio Medicaid to help Butler County combat infant mortality, By Wayne Butler, February 11, 2016, Hamilton Journal-News: “Local community and political leaders, along with representatives from the five Medicaid managed care plans, joined Ohio Medicaid Director John McCarthy Thursday afternoon to discuss ways to combat high infant mortality rates in Butler County and across the state. The Journal-News reported in a three-part series last month that black babies in Butler County are dying before the age of 1 at twice the rate of white babies…”
Tag: Infant mortality
Global Child Poverty
Report: economic growth failing to help world’s poorest kids, By Katy Daigle (AP), June 23, 2015, Washington Post: “Global resolve to rescue impoverished children from lives of squalor, disease and hunger has fallen short, with economic development in many countries still leaving millions of the most vulnerable behind, according to a UNICEF report released Tuesday. The data show a bleak situation: The world’s poorest children are almost twice as likely to die before their 5th birthday as children from wealthier homes, and the proportion of those dying within days of being born is even increasing…”
Infant Mortality – Milwaukee, WI
Preterm birth kills more Milwaukee babies than other causes combined, By Crocker Stephenson, May 5, 2015, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Preterm birth kills Milwaukee babies more readily than all the other causes of infant death combined, kills a disproportionate number of African-American babies, and each year across Wisconsin absorbs hundreds of millions of dollars that might otherwise be used to promote healthy birth outcomes. That has been the trend for years. According to preliminary data to be released Wednesday by the Milwaukee Health Department, 2014 was no different…”