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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

State Minimum Wage – Minnesota

  • Minnesota minimum wage hike cheered by workers; employers critical, By Matt Sepic, March 14, 2013, Minnesota Public Radio: “With DFLers in control of state government, a raise for Minnesota’s lowest-paid workers seems more likely than it has been in years. Now, a bill that could give Minnesota the highest state-mandated minimum wage in the country has cleared its final committee in the Minnesota House. Some economists say the effect of a minimum wage hike on the overall economy is negligible, but it is likely to make a large difference in the lives of minimum wage workers and also many of the people who pay them…”
  • Minnesota Poll: Majority supports raising state minimum wage, By Rachel E. Stassen-Berger, March 9, 2013, Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune: “A majority of Minnesotans support increasing the state’s minimum wage from the current $6.15 an hour, the Star Tribune Minnesota Poll has found, but, like the Legislature, they differ on how much of a raise to give workers. About 41 percent of Minnesotans said they would like to see the current wage floor jump to $9.50 an hour and 28 percent said they would like it to go up to $7.50 an hour. A quarter of Minnesotans said it should remain where it is…”