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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

State Medicaid Programs

  • AHCCCS cutbacks get legal challenge, By Howard Fischer, May 24, 2011, Arizona Daily Star: “An attorney wants the Arizona Supreme Court to block Gov. Jan Brewer from eliminating health care for more than 100,000 Arizonans. A lawsuit filed Monday on behalf of some who would be affected by the change contends the state is violating the requirements of a 2000 voter-approved measure mandating free care for anyone below the federal poverty level. Attorney Tim Hogan of the Center for Law in the Public Interest said the initiative makes Brewer’s plan to stop enrolling childless adults and some others in the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System illegal…”
  • Kentucky moves step closer to new Medicaid plan, By Deborah Yetter, May 25, 2011, Louisville Courier-Journal: “With the bid deadline past, Kentucky has moved closer to turning most of its Medicaid program over to outside managed care organizations – a move the state hopes will improve efficiency and cut costs in the $6.5 billion-a-year health plan for the poor and disabled. Officials refused to identify any of the bidders who met the 3:30 p.m. Wednesday deadline, citing confidentiality of the bidding process. Don Speer, who is overseeing the bids for the state Finance and Administration Cabinet, declined even to say how many companies entered bids…”