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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

Public Assistance Reporting Information System

Computer matching system could limit safety net ‘double dipping’, By Pamela M. Prah, April 12, 2012, “States could cut costs by millions of dollars a year if they took full advantage of a computerized matching system that can determine whether people are getting welfare, food stamps and other public assistance in more than one state at a time. States that have used the system in recent years have collectively saved more some $400 million, according to federal figures. But here’s the rub. The arrangement is still largely voluntary. The process, called Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS), is a set of computer matches that relies on Social Security numbers and other personal data. It allows states to see if individuals on their rolls for Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, childcare benefits or workers’ compensation are also on the rolls in another state…”