Minimum wage hike may be decided by NJ voters, By Angela Delli Santi, September 23, 2012, Cherry Hill Courier Post: “The Democrat who leads the New Jersey Senate plans to introduce a measure Monday that would put a minimum wage increase before voters next year. The resolution will ask voters to increase the wage by $1, to $8.25 per hour, and tie future yearly increases to national economic data, known as indexing, Senate President Steve Sweeney of Gloucester County told The Associated Press. Gov. Chris Christie indicated that he would not sign a bill with for indexed adjustments, Sweeney said. He said that’s why he hasn’t advanced the bill the Assembly passed in May hiking the minimum wage to $8.50 per hour and creating annual adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index. Sweeney said his 2005 minimum wage legislation was approved only after he agreed to remove such a provision…”