House Democrats introduce stand-alone bill to expand Medicaid for Ohio’s working poor, By Robert Higgs, April 10, 2013, Cleveland Plain Dealer: “One day after Republicans stripped it out of the state budget plan, House Democrats introduced a bill to expand Medicaid to cover Ohio’s working poor, as was proposed by Gov. John Kasich. The bill, introduced by Reps. Nickie J. Antonio of Lakewood and John Patrick Carney of Columbus, could offer a way for the plan to be approved with a bipartisan vote, said Rep. Armond Budish, the House minority leader and a Democrat from Beachwood…”
Nixon meets with Senate Republicans to discuss Medicaid, By Elizabeth Crisp, April 10, 2013, St. Louis Post-Dispatch: “Gov. Jay Nixon continued his push to expand Missouri’s Medicaid program on Tuesday, meeting with senators to try to woo support and scheduling time to talk to a top federal official about reform options. But with less than six weeks left in the legislative session, no deal has been reached to expand the program to provide health care coverage for thousands of low-income Missourians…”