State data on kids revealed, By Rachel Segura, October 2, 2012, Cortez Journal: “Colorado’s number of children living in poverty more than doubled between 2000 and 2010. Seventeen percent of children were living in poverty compared to 22 percent nationwide. This data was compiled for 2010 using 2009 information; next year, these numbers could change for the better or worse. The 2012 Kids Count in Colorado! report ranked the 25 largest counties in the state using 12 different indicators such as health care, education, family and community to assess which counties have the highest child well-being factors. These counties account for 95 percent of children under 18 in Colorado. Montezuma County is one of those. It ranked 21 out of 25. The data, however, does not signify that all of these indicators were negative. Some counties were stronger while others were weaker…”