Report: 436,000 Michiganders could be eligible for Obamacare tax credits next year, By Melissa Anders, November 5, 2013, MLive: “An estimated 436,000 Michiganders will be eligible for health insurance tax credits next year, but far fewer are expected to use them, according to a new report. The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates 725,000 Michigan residents could purchase plans on the federally run health insurance marketplace that launched Oct. 1 as part of the Affordable Care Act. Of those, about 436,000 would be eligible for tax credits, according to a report released Tuesday. Nationally, only about 35 percent of those eligible for tax credits are expected to sign up and use them in 2014, based on estimates from Kaiser and the Congressional Budget Office. Participation can vary by state, depending on public outreach and system problems with the online marketplace, said Gary Claxton, a vice president at Kaiser Family Foundation…”