Kentucky’s rolls of uninsured rise sharply, survey finds, By Patrick Howington, February 21, 2010, Louisville Courier-Journal: “A third of adult Kentuckians below Medicare age – nearly 900,000 people – don’t have health insurance, a poll has found. And researchers say the recession and the resulting rise in unemployment are to blame. The survey, which the University of Cincinnati conducted in October and November for the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky and a similar Cincinnati group, found a sharp increase in uninsured adults since a similar poll last year: 33 percent of Kentuckians ages 18 to 64 lacked insurance, compared with 23 percent in early 2008. During the same period, Kentucky’s jobless rate rose from just shy of 6 percent to about 11 percent. The two groups that sponsored the survey, released in December, work to improve the region’s health…”