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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

Health Insurance Coverage for the Uninsured

  • King County health officials map strategy to reach uninsured, By Lisa Stiffler, August 8, 2013, Seattle Times: “Health officials in King County are rallying the troops and drafting maps to prepare for an all-out effort to get health-care coverage for uninsured residents. Countywide, approximately 16 percent of the population lacks health insurance. But from Burien and Tukwila south to the county line, and in scattered pockets to the north, those numbers are higher, reaching nearly one-third in some places…”
  • Colorado presses for uninsured to enroll, By Abby Goodnaugh, August 2, 2013, New York Times: “Television commercials have already run suggesting that buying health coverage through the state’s new insurance market, Connect for Health Colorado, will feel like winning the World Series…”
  • Critics say Obamacare may tempt subsidy applicants to lie about benefits, By Tony Pugh, August 6, 2013, Kansas City Star: “The Obama administration is trying to quiet growing concern that people will lie about their incomes and other personal information in order to land larger health insurance-premium tax credits, the cash assistance that will help millions pay for coverage next year. Once health plan enrollment begins on new state insurance exchanges in October, an estimated 7 million people are expected to purchase individual and small-group coverage by the end of March…”