One in four UK children will be living in poverty by 2020, says thinktank, By Randeep Ramesh, May 7, 2013, The Guardian: “One in four children in Britain – 3.4 million – will be in relative poverty by 2020, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has warned. In a report, conducted for the Northern Ireland executive but held to describe the position in the UK as a whole, the IFS says ‘tax and benefit reforms introduced since April 2010 can account for almost all of the increases in child poverty projected over the next few years’…”
1.1m children forecast to fall back into poverty – wiping out a decade of gains, By John Bingham, May 7, 2013, The Telegraph: “The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) revised its previous estimates to forecast that 3.4 million British children will be living in households classed as in poverty by the end of a decade dominated by recession. The new projection, contained in an analysis commissioned by the devolved Northern Ireland Executive, means that the number of children in poverty is set to increase by 1.1 million this decade, instead of 800,000 as previously thought. It would take the UK back to the child poverty levels last seen at the turn of the century when the then Prime Minister Tony Blair announced a plan to ‘eradicate’ it…”