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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

Medicaid Enrollment – New York

Medicaid enrollment rises in New York, By Jessica Bakeman, December 9, 2012, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: “The number of New Yorkers enrolled in Medicaid, the government health insurance program for poor and disabled people, has grown by nearly 157,000 since last December, reaching to more than 5.1 million New Yorkers. Enrollment growth in the $52 billion program funded jointly by the state and federal governments is a consequence of the economy, experts said, as people who lose their jobs often also lose their employer-sponsored health insurance. Additionally, the state has recently streamlined the processes of enrolling and staying enrolled in Medicaid, leading more eligible New Yorkers to seek benefits. There are about 1 million residents who are eligible and not enrolled, according to state estimates…”