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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

State Funding for Higher Education

Higher education funds begin slow recovery, By Ben Wieder, March 16, 2012, “When Iowa Governor Terry Branstad stumped recently for increased higher education funding to keep down tuition, he was doing so in direct opposition to fellow-Republican legislators who control the state House of Representatives. It didn’t worry him. ‘The state of Iowa has a responsibility to shoulder part of the investment burden,’ Branstad said of higher education at a news conference ‘Student debt is a major concern in our state and the debt load of Iowa graduates is unacceptably high.’ The governor is calling for a $23 million increase to the budget for the state’s three public universities, while House Republicans have called for a $31 million decrease from the previous year. Branstad told Stateline that with revenues currently running above expectations, he believes his increase isn’t a stretch…”