LePage seeks to bar noncitizens from welfare for first 5 years, By John Richardson, February 11, 2011, Kennebec Journal: “Gov. Paul LePage launched his first attempt at welfare reform Thursday, proposing to save about $20 million over two years by eliminating a variety of benefits for new immigrants and refugees who are not yet U.S. citizens. ‘Maine was built by immigrants,’ LePage said in his first budget address. ‘Maine must always be a welcoming place for those who seek an opportunity to advance through hard work and self-reliance.’ However, LePage said, Maine should no longer be ‘one of just a few places in the country that offers welfare on day one for legal noncitizens.’ His proposal would make legal noncitizen residents ineligible for MaineCare, food stamps and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families during their first five years of residency in the state…”