Jobless in Utah: More Utahns out of work longer, By Mike Gorrell, May 3, 2010, Salt Lake Tribune: “After 10 months out of work, Alleyn Kinney felt completely prepared for a recent job interview, eager to become a state driver license examiner. Amid faint signs of an economic rebound, he had updated his résumé. He had developed his job-seeking and interviewing skills as an enthusiastic participant in a series of Utah Department of Workforce Services workshops. He had prayed to God with all his heart and soul. But two weeks ago, Kinney, 64, didn’t get the job. ‘I’m bummed right now, but I’m not discouraged,’ he said after receiving a rejection note from the Utah Department of Public Safety. ‘I’ll never give up.’ Kinney’s agonizing experience is not that unusual in this painfully deep downturn, which is creating a chronic joblessness unseen in other recent recessions. Impacts might resonate for years…”