Pregnant women who smoke here more than double national average, By Becky Orr, January 25, 2010, Wyoming Tribune Eagle: “The news is troubling: Plenty of Wyoming mothers smoked when they were pregnant. The recently released 2009 Kids Count Data Report finds that 20 percent of women in Wyoming smoked when they were pregnant. The statistic is from 2007, the most recent information available. That’s more than double the national average of 10 percent in 2007…”
Johnson County childhood poverty rate among the state’s lowest, By Jen Hicks, January 29, 2010, Buffalo Bulletin: “Slightly fewer Johnson County children are living in poverty according to an annual report that monitors the well-being of the nation’s youth. But the same study released last week showed an increase in the number of students who receive free or reduced school lunches. The 2009 Wyoming Kids Count Data Report, funded by the non-profit Annie E. Casey Foundation, found improvement in two of the three key indicators used to measure the economic well-being of children. Because financial stability can have a domino effect on a child’s welfare, Marc Homer, director of the Wyoming Children’s Action Alliance, a non-profit children’s advocacy organization said that it’s important to understand the economic situation children are raised in…”