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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

Day: April 1, 2015

Kids Count Report – Delaware

Delaware’s child poverty rate remains high, By Jen Rini, April 1, 2015, News Journal: “Close to 50,000 kids in Delaware live in poverty, a number higher than 20 years ago.  Many wonder when their next meal will be. School may be the only place where they can find clean clothes. The holiday season might be nonexistent.  ‘A lot of them are just hungry for some nurturing,’ said Anthony Powell, executive director of Kingswood Community Center, an organization that serves close to 6,000 kids in inner city Wilmington.  Delaware’s child poverty statistic was flagged in a recent Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count study as one that needs attention. The study, unveiled Wednesday, compiles 20 years worth of data on factors that impact kids health and wellness…”