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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Poverty-related issues in the news, from the Institute for Research on Poverty

Day: March 6, 2015

Medicaid Expansion – Ohio

Ohioans new to Medicaid get care, By Catherine Candisky, March 6, 2015, Columbus Dispatch: “Divorced with four children, Pam Harris had no health insurance — choosing between medications to treat her depression and rheumatoid arthritis or paying utility bills — when she suffered her first stroke two years ago.  After leaving the hospital, the 40-year-old, who lives in Jamestown in Greene County, couldn’t afford follow-up care or physical therapy. Church friends showed her exercises she could do at home.  And after she returned to work with an advocacy group for families with children with behavioral issues, colleagues accompanied her to presentations, stepping in when she couldn’t find the words.   Last fall, Harris suffered a second stroke, but her recovery has been much better. This time, she had health insurance as one of the nearly half-million poor adults who became eligible through Ohio’s expansion of tax-funded Medicaid last year…”